Patch 1.10 Annouced - Friday, June 27, 2003 at 17:02
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos to Receive Upgrade Patch

As a way of saying THANK YOU to the Warcraft III community, which has been so supportive of the game both during development and after it went live in July of last year, Warcraft III players connecting to will receive a significant patch to Reign of Chaos in the days ahead. This patch will add clan support and many of the interface enhancements found in the soon-to-be-released expansion set, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. For a partial list detailing a few of the upcoming upgrades to Reign of Chaos, please read this forum post.

Due to the sheer number and scope of the changes going into Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the upcoming patch will move the game’s version number from 1.06 to 1.10. Listed below is a small sampling of some of the upgrades that players can expect after logging on to and downloading the patch, which we are planning to make available very soon. After downloading the patch, please see the patch text for the full list of changes to the game.

- Upgrades and units can be queued in the same queue chain.
- Buildings can now be queued.
- A creep camp minimap filter has been added. When it is used, small circular
graphics are displayed on the minimap, representing the location of creep
- Upgrade & Research Complete alerts now include text messages that indicate
which upgrade has just finished.
- Added player handicaps that allow players to limit their units' maximum hit
points prior to a game starting.
- Players can now select their icon from icons they have unlocked. They can also see how many wins are required for each icon.
- Observers can now use minimap pings to alert other observers to points of
- A new type of observer has been added called the "referee." A referee can
chat with the players in the game.
- Players can now filter custom games to only show game types they
want to play.
- Players can now transfer resources to the allied army of a teammate who
left the game.
- Much, much, much more.

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